Im Gründercoaching arbeite ich mit einem Ansatz, der holistisch und dennoch pragmatisch ist. In einem individuellen Prozess für deine Bedürfnisse und Ideen konzentrieren wir uns auf deine authentische Vision als kreativer UnternehmerIn.

  • Find clarity around your vision
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses
  • Stay focused and build accountability
  • Develop strategies 
  • Stay focused on practical and financial aspects
  • Improve self-confidence

If you are receiving unemployment benefit, you may be able to ask your case worker for an activation and placement voucher (AVGS). Do you fall into the following categories?

Job seeking – Beneficiaries (ALG I / ALG II) – Self-employed who are reorienting themselves and are looking for a job that is subject to social security contributions – University graduate – Employees who have already been given notice or who are three months away from the end of a fixed-term contract – Students who are about to finish their studies – Parents who are about to end their parental leave

The Federal Employment Agency covers 100% of the costs of founder coaching.

Would you like to redeem an AVGS voucher with me?